I went on a sponsored trip to San Diego with Kia as a part of an influencer trip.
Have you ever gone through a season in your life where you just felt like something was missing? A season where it felt like no matter what there was a void that you just couldn’t fill? These last 2 years have been rough, not only for me but for my family as well. Losing Tristan took a toll on us, one that quite honestly we’ll probably never recover from but we’re trying. Every day we pick up the pieces and move forward in hopes of creating the happy life we’ve always dreamed of.
But a piece of us will always be missing.
When I received the invitation to experience #TheNewKia in San Diego with 49 other influencers I knew I had to accept. Emotionally I wasn’t ready. This would be the second time since losing Tristan that my family and I would be separated, and I would be miles away with no quick escape back home. I wasn’t sure I could handle being so far away so soon but I had to take a chance on myself.
Then the day finally came. My bags were packed and I headed to the airport where I would take a 5-hour flight to meet my new Kia family. I had no idea what to expect except a boat load of anxiety that would welcome me on my flight.
Photo by Cielo Roth Photography
Photo by Cielo Roth Photography
Kia Gave Me Something I Didn’t Know I Was Missing
Once I arrived in San Diego, I was welcomed with open arms by my “internet friends” as my husband likes to call them. My body was drained after a long flight but all I could think of is how powerful and inspiring it was to be in a room surrounded by other influencers who are doing such amazing things. That was when I realized that I was standing in this room of powerhouses probably because someone saw something in me that quite honestly I probably don’t see in myself.
This trip was what I needed. Finding a place in this world that isn’t tainted with politics, prejudice, and the evils of this world is rare. Being surrounded by people who radiate positivity is rare. Interacting with a brand who gets and who wants you to tell genuine, authentic stories is like finding a unicorn. This was where I needed to be at this season in my life.
I needed this trip. Not just because Kia was one of the brands that I had put on my vision board at the beginning of the year or because I had heard all of my friends say how much fun it was. I needed to let loose. I needed reassurance that this world isn’t as doomed as the news makes it out to be. I needed to let loose. I needed to drive fast (we won’t talk about how fast) down those California highways in the Stinger to find the sense of peace that came with each drive. Most importantly I needed this trip to prove to myself that I still have the strength to do things alone and that what others think of me or my story doesn’t validate my worth.
After everything that we have been through in the last 2 years I think I forgot how to have fun. I forgot what it was like to be myself and to truly forget about all of life’s responsibilities and just live in the moment. What Kia gave me over the course of 3 days was more than I could’ve ever expected. I walked away from #TheNewKia event with hope that my future would be better than my past.
Photo by Cielo Roth Photography
Photo by Cielo Roth Photography
Carissa says
Great Post! Isnt it crazy how events can give us what we are missing when we didn’t even know what we were missing! Congratulations again! And it looks like you had an amazing time!!!
Bianca Dottin says
Thank you! I hope you’re there with me next year.
Bernetta says
Fun! Such fun! I love the pictures and how we can find meaning and revelation in different experiences. I’m glad you were able to experience this. It looked like it was AH-MAZING!
Mama Munchkin says
Such a fun week. I felt the same way a much needed escape/ momcation for me. And, definitely a whole lot of fun. It was great meeting you!!
Bianca Dottin says
It was so great meeting you too! I can’t wait to do this again.