Ready to take your blog to the next level? I’m sharing 5 things to build your audience and a free printable to set your monthly goals.
If you’ve read my holiday blog update then you know I’ve officially declared 2018 as my year! This year I’m focusing on being more intentional and fulfilling all of my goals. One of my top goals is building my audience and obtaining a larger reach. Reach is what all of us bloggers struggle with in the beginning.
How do we build our brand? How do we create a blog that sets us apart from everyone else? How do we increase our audience and work with the brands that we love?
5 Things To Build Your Audience
1. Be consistent.
Consistency is the key to building an audience. Your readers want to know that when they come to your blog there is something new to read and that you’re consistent. If you go weeks or even days without posting something new, you could lose readers even if it’s only a few. Choose a schedule that works for you and stick to it. Oh, and don’t be afraid to share your schedule with your readers. By being consistent you should see a bump in your traffic. Consistency applies to your social media as well. Posting consistently on your social media channels will lead to a growth in followers.
2. Have amazing content.
Content is so important! I’m a firm believer in quality over quantity. That posting schedule that you developed, make sure that you can keep up with it by posting quality content. Quality content will keep your readers coming back and possibly even sharing your content on their social media channels.
3. Step up your social media game.
Your social media channels are just as important as your blog. Sharing your posts daily can help to build your audience and boost your blog traffic. Using services such as Hootsuite to schedule your posts in advance can maximize your time spent on social media.
4. Start a mailing list.
If you want to build your audience, you have to start a mailing list now. I’ll admit that that’s something that I need to do better at. A mailing list will give you another way to communicate with your readers and act as a reminder that there are new posts on your blog. A mailing list is one of the best way to gain loyal readers. Give them insider secrets, show them the behind the scenes, really let them in.
5. Connect with your audience.
This is the most important thing to build your audience. Your readers want to know that you’re a real person that they can connect with so make sure that you are replying to their comments and connecting with them every chance you get. While you’re connecting with your audience, don’t forget to build your tribe up too.
If you’re determined to make 2018 your golden year too, start by setting your goals. I’ve got a goal setting printable that I’m absolutely in love with. The quickest way to manifest those goals is by writing them down so why not start now?
Get your free goal setting printable here!
Codrut Turcanu says
hey Bianca, it’s sad to see some fellow bloggers giving more attention to social media than their main channel. I love FB and Pinterest and Instagram — they work great — just that there’s a short attention and lifetime span on there, so blogging should never be overlooked.
Keep up the great work!